Moving Objects Between Pages
Selected objects can be copied or moved between pages within the same app or even between two different apps.
One method for moving objects from one page to another is to drag and drop them onto one of the pages in the Page List. When the mouse button is released the dragged objects will be moved to that page. Holding down the Ctrl key on the keyboard during the move will duplicate the objects, leaving a copy on the original page.
Another method for copying and moving objects is to use the Windows Clipboard. Select the objects you wish to copy or move and choose Copy or Cut from VisualNEO Web’s Edit menu. Then switch to the page you want the objects to be placed and select Paste from the Edit menu.
Objects can be moved between apps using the same techniques. Use VisualNEO Web’s Open command to load both the source and target apps. If necessary, use the Windows menu’s Tile command to position the open apps so both are visible. Then, cut and paste or drag objects from one app window to the other.
Because object names must be unique, VisualNEO Web may rename objects during paste or copy operations if there is a conflict with an existing object.
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