Purpose: |
Sends the content in a Form Object to a URL |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
PlaySound "music file" loop music file A compatible music file to play (.mp3 recomended). loop A boolean value (true or false) for repeating the sound continuosly. |
Example: |
PlaySound "mymusic.mp3" false |
Purpose: |
Stop individual or all playing sound files started with PlaySound. Leave the file name parameter blank to stop all sounds. |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
StopSound "file name or URL of audio" The sound to stop. Leave blank to stop all sounds. |
Example: |
StopSound "mymusic.mp3" |
Purpose: |
Plays a beep sound. |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
SoundBeep |
Example: |
SoundBeep |
Purpose: |
Create a video (mp4) player inside a Container. |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
CreateVideoPlayer "object name" "file name" playcontrols autoplay loop muted object name The name of an existing Container object. file name Complete .mp4 file path or URL. playcontrols Show or hide play controls (true or false). autoplay Set autoplay (true or false). loop Loop video when finished (true or false) muted No sound (true or false) |
Example: |
CreateVideoPlayer "Container1" "c:\myvideos\myvideo.mp4" true false false false Sample App: |
Purpose: |
Play a video previosly created with CreateVideoPlayer |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
VideoPlayerPlay "object name" object name The name of the Container object where the Video Player has been created. |
Example: |
VideoPlayerPlay "Container1" |
Purpose: |
Pauses a video previosly created with CreateVideoPlayer |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
VideoPlayerPause "object name" object name The name of the Container object where the Video Player has been created. |
Example: |
VideoPlayerPause "Container1" |
Purpose: |
Stop a video previosly created with CreateVideoPlayer |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
VideoPlayerStop "object name" object name The name of the Container object where the Video Player has been created. |
Example: |
VideoPlayerStop "Container1" |
Purpose: |
Set video position in seconds |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
VideoPlayerSetCurrentTime "object name" "seconds" object name The name of the Container object where the Video Player has been created. seconds Number of seconds from the begining |
Example: |
VideoPlayerSetCurrentTime "Container1" 5 |
Purpose: |
Get video position in seconds |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
VideoPlayerSetCurrentTime "object name" [var name] object name The name of the Container object where the Video Player has been created. var name Variable to store the value. |
Example: |
VideoPlayerGetCurrentTime "Container1" [myvar] |
Purpose: |
Set the video sound volume percentage |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
VideoPlayerSetVolume "object name" percentage object name The name of the Container object where the Video Player has been created. percentage Sound volume percentage value (0-100). |
Example: |
VideoPlayerSetVolume "Container1" 60 |
Purpose: |
Set the video player source file (.mp4) |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
VideoPlayerSetSrc "object name" "file name" object name The name of the Container object where the Video Player has been created. file name Complete .mp4 file path or URL. |
Example: |
VideoPlayerSetSrc "Container1" "c:\myvideos\myvideofile.mp4" |
Purpose: |
Set the playback speed (0.5 half speed, 2 double...) |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
VideoPlayerSetPlaybackRate "object name" rate object name The name of the Container object where the Video Player has been created. rate rate number (0.5 half speed, 2 double speed...) |
Example: |
VideoPlayerSetPlaybackRate "Container1" 2 |
Purpose: |
Set any of the video player properties on or off |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
VideoPlayerSetProperty "object name" "property name" value object name The name of the Container object where the Video Player has been created. property name One of the valid videoplayer properties: autoplay, controls, loop, muted value true or false |
Example: |
VideoPlayerSetProperty "Container1" "controls" true |
Purpose: |
Get any of the video player properties value |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
VideoPlayerGetProperty "object name" "property name" [var name] object name The name of the Container object where the Video Player has been created. property name One of the valid videoplayer properties: autoplay, controls, loop, muted var name Variable to store the value. |
Example: |
VideoPlayerGetProperty "Container1" "controls" [myvar] |
Purpose: |
Set the subroutine to execute when a video event occurs |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
OnVideoEvent "object name" "video event" "subroutine name" object name The name of the Container object where the Video Player has been created. video event One of the valid video events: subroutine name Name of the subroutine to execute. |
Example: |
OnVideoEvent "Container1" "ended" "mysubroutine" |
Purpose: |
Create an audio (mp3) player inside a Container. |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
CreateAudioPlayer "object name" "file name" playcontrols autoplay loop object name The name of an existing Container object. file name Complete .mp3 file path or URL. playcontrols Show or hide play controls (true or false). autoplay Set autoplay (true or false). loop Loop video when finished (true or false) |
Example: |
CreateAudioPlayer "Container1" "c:\mymusic\myaudio.mp3" true false false |
Purpose: |
Play an audio previosly created with CreateAudioPlayer |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
AudioPlayerPlay "object name" object name The name of the Container object where the Audio Player has been created. |
Example: |
AudioPlayerPlay "Container1" |
Purpose: |
Pauses an audio previosly created with CreateAudioPlayer |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
AudioPlayerPause "object name" object name The name of the Container object where the Audio Player has been created. |
Example: |
AudioPlayerPause "Container1" |
Purpose: |
Stop an audio previosly created with CreateAudioPlayer |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
AudioPlayerStop "object name" object name The name of the Container object where the Audio Player has been created. |
Example: |
AudioPlayerStop "Container1" |
Purpose: |
Set audio player position in seconds |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
AudioPlayerSetCurrentTime "object name" "seconds" object name The name of the Container object where the Audio Player has been created. seconds Number of seconds from the begining |
Example: |
AudioPlayerSetCurrentTime "Container1" 5 |
Purpose: |
Get audio player position in seconds |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
AudioPlayerSetCurrentTime "object name" [var name] object name The name of the Container object where the Audio Player has been created. var name Variable to store the value. |
Example: |
AudioPlayerGetCurrentTime "Container1" [myvar] |
Purpose: |
Set the audio player sound volume percentage |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
VideoPlayerSetVolume "object name" percentage object name The name of the Container object where the Audio Player has been created. percentage Sound volume percentage value (0-100). |
Example: |
AudioPlayerSetVolume "Container1" 60 |
Purpose: |
Set the audio player source file (.mp3) |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
AudioPlayerSetSrc "object name" "file name" object name The name of the Container object where the Audio Player has been created. file name Complete .mp3 file path or URL. |
Example: |
AudioPlayerSetSrc "Container1" "c:\myaudio\myaudiofile.mp3" |
Purpose: |
Set the playback speed (0.5 half speed, 2 double...) |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
AudioPlayerSetPlaybackRate "object name" rate object name The name of the Container object where the Audio Player has been created. rate rate number (0.5 half speed, 2 double speed...) |
Example: |
AudioPlayerSetPlaybackRate "Container1" 2 |
Purpose: |
Set any of the audio player properties on or off |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
AudioPlayerSetProperty "object name" "property name" value object name The name of the Container object where the Audio Player has been created. property name One of the valid audioplayer properties: autoplay, controls, loop, muted value true or false |
Example: |
AudioPlayerSetProperty "Container1" "controls" true |
Purpose: |
Get any of the audio player properties value |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
AudioPlayerGetProperty "object name" "property name" [var name] object name The name of the Container object where the Audio Player has been created. property name One of the valid videoplayer properties: autoplay, controls, loop, muted var name Variable to store the value. |
Example: |
AudioPlayerGetProperty "Container1" "controls" [myvar] |
Purpose: |
Set the subroutine to execute when an audio player event occurs |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
OnAudioEvent "object name" "video event" "subroutine name" object name The name of the Container object where the Video Player has been created. video event One of the valid video events: subroutine name Name of the subroutine to execute. |
Example: |
OnAudioEvent "Container1" "ended" "mysubroutine" |
Purpose: |
Encode an Image into Base64 JPG format |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
ImgToBase64Jpg "image" quality [result] image Image object. quality Desired image quality (Float value 0 to 1) result Variable to store Base64 PNG data |
Example: |
ImgToBase64Jpg "Image1" 0.9 [myBase64Data] |
Purpose: |
Encode an Image into Base64 PNG format |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
ImgToBase64Png "image" [result] image Image object. result Variable to store Base64 PNG data |
Example: |
ImgToBase64Png "Image1" [myBase64Data] |
Purpose: |
Encode a SVG inline image located into a Container into Base64 JPG format |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
SvgToBase64Jpg "container" width height quality [result] "callBackSubroutine" container Container object with inline SVG image. width Desired image width in pixels height Desired image height in pixels quality Desired image quality (Float value 0 to 1) result Variable to store Base64 JPG data callBackSubroutine Otionally specify here a subroutine to execute once the conversion has finished. |
Example: |
SvgToBase64Jpg "Container1" 400 400 0.9 [myBase64Data] "callBackSubroutine" |
Purpose: |
Encode a SVG inline image located into a Container into Base64 PNG format |
Category: |
Multimedia |
Syntax: |
SvgToBase64Png "container" width height [result] "callBackSubroutine" container Container object with inline SVG image. width Desired image width in pixels height Desired image height in pixels result Variable to store Base64 PNG data callBackSubroutine Otionally specify here a subroutine to execute once the conversion has finished. |
Example: |
SvgToBase64Png "Container1" 400 400 [myBase64Data] "callBackSubroutine" |
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