Password Input
The Password Input object is very similar to the Text Input one. The difference is that Password Input mask every character as a point or asterisk to protect its content from being readed. Depending on the browser its appearance may differ.
The Password Input object corresponds to the <input type="password"> HTML tag.
To create a Password Input object, use the mouse to draw a rectangle where you want the field to appear. The Password Input properties can be accessed from the Properties Panel, allowing you to define the appearance and behaviour.
- id: use this property to set a unique name for your Password Input. It will allow you later to modify its properties programatically.
- initial-value: add here some text only if you want the Password Input to be prefilled with that content.
- max-length: put here a number to limit the maximun characters allowed on the Password Input.
- place-holder: this attribute specifies a short hint that describes the expected value of an input field (e.g. a sample value or a short description of the expected format). The short hint is displayed in the input field before the user enters a value.
- property-name: this is important if you want to send the data from a Form with a Password Input to a server. The server script will get the value associated to this property name. See Form object for more info.
- variable: if you want to store the Password Input data into a variable to keep track of its content, just add the variable name using brackets into the variable property (ie: [name]). For more information see Understanding Actions and Variables.
At runtime, the variable will contain whatever has been typed into the field. You can modify the contents of the Password Input object by manipulating the variable using a simple Action Command. For example you can clear the contents of the Password Input object like this:
SetVar "[userpassword]" ""
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