VisualNEO Web apps are composed of pages very much like a book. An app may consist of a single page or dozens of pages. VisualNEO Web imposes no specific limit on the maximum number of pages an app may contain, but some people find it difficult to keep track of more than a few dozen pages. The actual limit depends on available memory, system resources, etc. Keep in mind the platform where you app will be used. Many phones and tablets have limit storage space and web-based apps are often limited by bandwidth. Smaller apps will generally perform better than larger ones.

Each page in an app is assigned a unique title or id. You can change the id assigned to a page if you like, but no two pages can have the same exact id. Page ids will appear in the Page List. You can move between pages by clicking the id of the desired page. You can also move between pages using the Page Navigation buttons, or by pressing the Page Up and Page Down keys on your keyboard.

Each app also contains one or more special Master Pages and one or more Dialog Pages. The tabs at the top of the page list are used to switch between the three types of pages. The first tab contains Normal Pages which make up the core of your app's interface.

Master pages typically contains elements that are common to most (or all) pages in an app. Common elements may include navigational buttons, titles, page numbers, etc. You can add, modify and delete objects on a Master Page just as you would on any other page. The difference is, objects placed on a Master Page can also appear as the background or foreground of Normal Pages. 

Dialog Pages are used to create custom dialog boxes that popup on top of your app's interface. Dialog boxes are primarily used to present information or request input.

The Page menu contains commands for adding, moving, copying and renaming pages. You can also change the order of the pages by dragging the page ids up or down in the page list.

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