Plugin to send and get data from neoCMS.
Based on Headless Cockpit CMS:
The neoCms plugin for VisualNEO Web, introduced in version 21.12.21, integrates with a custom version of the Cockpit Headless CMS, facilitating content management via API. This setup enables content creation and access without being tied to a specific output, making it ideal for flexible, API-driven applications. Installation can be performed locally or on a server.
For more detailed setup instructions and sample applications, visit the VisualNEO forum here.
Version: 1.3
Sample Apps:
The neoCms plugin for VisualNEO Web integrates with the Cockpit Headless CMS, enabling applications to manage and retrieve structured content dynamically. Here are its main features and possibilities:
- Content Collection Management:
- neoCms allows creation, retrieval, updating, and deletion of items within content collections, which can be used to store structured data such as articles, products, or user profiles. Commands like neoCmsAddCollectionItem, neoCmsGetCollection, and neoCmsUpdateCollectionItem provide comprehensive CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionality for content management.
- Singleton and Form Management:
- Developers can work with singletons for managing single-instance content (like site-wide settings) using neoCmsGetSingleton. Additionally, neoCmsGetForm and neoCmsSaveToForm allow form data retrieval and submission, supporting apps that need to collect and process user input data.
- User Authentication and Permissions:
- With commands like neoCmsLogin and neoCmsAddUser, neoCms supports user authentication and user management, allowing role-based access and user-specific permissions, essential for applications requiring secure and controlled content access.
- Flexible API Calls:
- The neoCmsCallApi command enables developers to make direct API calls, providing flexibility to interact with custom endpoints and manage advanced configurations, ideal for applications that need to interact with neoCms at a granular level.
- Asset Management:
- neoCms includes commands for managing assets (files and media) such as neoCmsGetAssets, making it possible to integrate multimedia content like images or documents into the app, enhancing content variety and user engagement.
The neoCms plugin is suited for applications that require a robust content management system, especially those that involve user authentication, content personalization, or multimedia integration​​.
Purpose: |
Set neoCms installation URL |
Category: |
neoCms |
Syntax: |
neoCmsSetUrl "theName" "theUrl"
theName Instance name (neoCms unique id) theUrl neoCms installation URL (ie: |
Purpose: |
Set neoCms access Token (Use with caution) |
Category: |
neoCms |
Syntax: |
neoCmsSetToken "theName" "theToken"
theName Instance name (neoCms unique id) theToken Access token |
Purpose: |
User login. Use it to get user information and API key (it will replace token). |
Category: |
neoCms |
Syntax: |
neoCmsLogin "theName" "theUser" "thePassword" varObj varError theSub
theName Instance name (neoCms unique id) theUser User name thePassword Password varObj Object variable to store results varError Variable to store error message (if any) theSub Callback subroutine (optional) |
Purpose: |
User logout. Set access token to an empty string. |
Category: |
neoCms |
Syntax: |
neoCmsLogout "theName"
theName Instance name (neoCms unique id) |
Purpose: |
Get the data from a neoCms Collection |
Category: |
neoCms |
Syntax: |
neoCmsGetCollection "theName" "theCollectionName" varObj varError theSub
theName Instance name (neoCms unique id) theCollectionName Collection name varObj Object variable to store results varError Variable to store error message (if any) theSub Callback subroutine (optional) |
Purpose: |
Get the number of items in a neoCms Collection |
Category: |
neoCms |
Syntax: |
neoCmsGetCollectionNumItems "theName" "theCollectionName" varName varError theSub
theName Instance name (neoCms unique id) theCollectionName Collection name varName Variable to store the number of items varError Variable to store error message (if any) theSub Callback subroutine (optional) |
Purpose: |
Get the data from a neoCms Collection in order |
Category: |
neoCms |
Syntax: |
neoCmsGetOrderedCollection "theName" "theCollectionName" "theFields" theLimit theSkip orderBy theOrder varObj varError theSub
theName Instance name (neoCms unique id) theCollectionName Collection name theFields Comma separated fields to retrieve (empty to get them all) theLimit Limit number of results to (0 for no limit) theSkip Items to skip orderBy Order by (field name or select metadata) theOrder Order direction varObj Object variable to store results varError Variable to store error message (if any) theSub Callback subroutine (optional) |
Purpose: |
Get filtered data from a neoCms Collection |
Category: |
neoCms |
Syntax: |
neoCmsSearchCollection "theName" "theCollectionName" "theFields" "theField" theValue "theMethod theLimit theSkip orderBy theOrder varObj varError theSub
theName Instance name (neoCms unique id) theCollectionName Collection's name theFields Comma separated fields to retrieve (empty to get them all) theField Field name to search into theValue Value to search for "theMethod Search method" theLimit Limit number of results to (0 for no limit) theSkip Items to skip orderBy Order by (field name or select metadata) theOrder Order direction varObj Object variable to store results varError Variable to store error message (if any) theSub Callback subroutine (optional) |
Purpose: |
Add a search filter to a filter object. You can add many filters to the same object name. Use before neoCmsAdvancedSearchCollection |
Category: |
neoCms |
Syntax: |
neoCmsAddFilter "filterName" "theField" theValue "theMethod
filterName Filter object name theField Field name to search into theValue Value to search for "theMethod Search method" |
Purpose: |
Add an order field an order object. You can add many order fields to the same object name. Use before neoCmsAdvancedSearchCollection |
Category: |
neoCms |
Syntax: |
neoCmsAddOrderField "orderName" orderBy theOrder
orderName Order object name orderBy Order by (field name or select metadata) theOrder Order direction |
Purpose: |
Get advanced filtered data from a neoCms Collection |
Category: |
neoCms |
Syntax: |
neoCmsAdvancedSearchCollection "theName" "theCollectionName" "theFields" theFilter theLimit theSkip orderName varObj varError theSub
theName Instance name (neoCms unique id) theCollectionName Collection's name theFields Comma separated fields to retrieve (empty to get them all) theFilter Filter object (use neoCmsAddFilter first) theLimit Limit number of results to (0 for no limit) theSkip Items to skip orderName Order object (use neoCmsAddOrderField first) varObj Object variable to store results varError Variable to store error message (if any) theSub Callback subroutine (optional) |
Purpose: |
Get a list with all the neoCms Collections names. |
Category: |
neoCms |
Syntax: |
neoCmsGetCollectionsNames "theName" varObj varError theSub
theName Instance name (neoCms unique id) varObj Object variable to store results varError Variable to store error message (if any) theSub Callback subroutine (optional) |
Purpose: |
Get a neoCms Collection schema. |
Category: |
neoCms |
Syntax: |
neoCmsGetCollectionSchema "theName" "theCollectionName" varObj varError theSub
theName Instance name (neoCms unique id) theCollectionName Collection's name varObj Object variable to store results varError Variable to store error message (if any) theSub Callback subroutine (optional) |
Purpose: |
Add new item to a neoCms Collection. |
Category: |
neoCms |
Syntax: |
neoCmsAddCollectionItem "theName" "theCollectionName" theObject varObj varError theSub
theName Instance name (neoCms unique id) theCollectionName Collection name theObject Variable object with item data varObj Object variable to store results varError Variable to store error message (if any) theSub Callback subroutine (optional) |
Purpose: |
Update an existing neoCms Collection item. |
Category: |
neoCms |
Syntax: |
neoCmsUpdateCollectionItem "theName" "theCollectionName" theObject "theId" varObj varError theSub
theName Instance name (neoCms unique id) theCollectionName Collection name theObject Variable object with item data theId Item _id varObj Object variable to store results varError Variable to store error message (if any) theSub Callback subroutine (optional) |
Purpose: |
Delete existing neoCms Collection items that match search criteria. |
Category: |
neoCms |
Syntax: |
neoCmsRemoveCollectionItems "theName" "theCollectionName" "theField" theValue "theMethod varObj varError theSub
theName Instance name (neoCms unique id) theCollectionName Collection name theField Field name to search into theValue Value to search for "theMethod Search method" varObj Object variable to store results varError Variable to store error message (if any) theSub Callback subroutine (optional) |
Purpose: |
Save any variable object into a neoCms Form. |
Category: |
neoCms |
Syntax: |
neoCmsSaveToForm "theName" "theFormName" theObject varObj varError theSub
theName Instance name (neoCms unique id) theFormName Form name theObject Variable object to save varObj Object variable to store results varError Variable to store error message (if any) theSub Callback subroutine (optional) |
Purpose: |
Get the data from a neoCms Form |
Category: |
neoCms |
Syntax: |
neoCmsGetForm "theName" "theFormName" varObj varError theSub
theName Instance name (neoCms unique id) theFormName Form name varObj Object variable to store results varError Variable to store error message (if any) theSub Callback subroutine (optional) |
Purpose: |
Get the data from a neoCms Singleton |
Category: |
neoCms |
Syntax: |
neoCmsGetSingleton "theName" "theSingletonName" varObj varError theSub
theName Instance name (neoCms unique id) theSingletonName Singleton name varObj Object variable to store results varError Variable to store error message (if any) theSub Callback subroutine (optional) |
Purpose: |
Get a list with all the neoCms Singleton names. |
Category: |
neoCms |
Syntax: |
neoCmsGetSingletonsNames "theName" varObj varError theSub
theName Instance name (neoCms unique id) varObj Object variable to store results varError Variable to store error message (if any) theSub Callback subroutine (optional) |
Purpose: |
Get assets information (files) |
Category: |
neoCms |
Syntax: |
neoCmsGetAssets "theName" theField theValue "theMethod theLimit varObj varError theSub
theName Instance name (neoCms unique id) theField Field name to search into theValue Value to search for "theMethod Search method" theLimit Limit results to (0 for no limit) varObj Object variable to store results varError Variable to store error message (if any) theSub Callback subroutine (optional) |
Purpose: |
Add new user to neoCms user group. |
Category: |
neoCms |
Syntax: |
neoCmsAddUser "theName" "userName" "thePassword" "realName" "theEmail" "theGroup" theLanguage isActive varObj varError theSub
theName Instance name (neoCms unique id) userName User nick name. No spaces nor special characters. thePassword User password realName User name theEmail User email theGroup Group (previously defined within neoCms) theLanguage User language isActive Set as active? varObj Object variable to store results varError Variable to store error message (if any) theSub Callback subroutine (optional) |
Purpose: |
Update user information in neoCms. |
Category: |
neoCms |
Syntax: |
neoCmsUpdateUser "theName" "userId" "userName" "thePassword" "realName" "theEmail" "theGroup" "theLanguage" isActive varObj varError theSub
theName Instance name (neoCms unique id) userId User _id (mandatory) userName User nick name. No spaces nor special characters. thePassword User password realName User name theEmail User email theGroup Group (previously defined within neoCms) theLanguage Language (ie: 'en' for english, 'es' for spanish...) isActive Set as active? varObj Object variable to store results varError Variable to store error message (if any) theSub Callback subroutine (optional) |
Purpose: |
Get data from registered users |
Category: |
neoCms |
Syntax: |
neoCmsGetUsers "theName" varObj varError theSub
theName Instance name (neoCms unique id) varObj Object variable to store results varError Variable to store error message (if any) theSub Callback subroutine (optional) |
Purpose: |
Get localized strings of a project |
Category: |
neoCms |
Syntax: |
neoCmsGetLocalizedStrings "theName" "theProject" "language" varObj varError theSub
theName Instance name (neoCms unique id) theProject Project name language Language (ie: 'es', 'en', 'fr'... or 'All' to get them all. varObj Object variable to store results varError Variable to store error message (if any) theSub Callback subroutine (optional) |
Purpose: |
Call a neoCms API endpoint directly (Advanced) |
Category: |
neoCms |
Syntax: |
neoCmsCallApi "theName" "theApi" [theObject] varObj varError theSub
theName Instance name (neoCms unique id) theApi API endpoint theObject Object variable to send varObj Object variable to store results varError Variable to store error message (if any) theSub Callback subroutine (optional) |
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