Quick and easy way to manage dates for input fields.
Version: 2019.11.13
Based on:
The neoDatePicker plugin for VisualNEO Web adds a flexible date selection tool to input fields, allowing users to choose dates in a format-specified way. Here’s a breakdown of its main functionalities:
- Date Picker Initialization:
- neoDatePicker: This command attaches a date picker to a specified text input or container object, enabling users to select dates in a custom format (e.g., "dd-mm-yyyy"). It also supports multiple language options, auto-close behavior upon date selection, and variable assignment for the selected date value, enhancing the versatility of date entry.
- Advanced Date Selection Options:
- Developers can specify additional parameters like a start date (startdate), a range selection to allow choosing start and end dates, and view options such as minview for setting the minimum selectable view (days, months, etc.). The picker also includes positioning options, ensuring the picker aligns correctly within the application’s layout.
- Date Picker Removal:
- neoDatePickerDestroy: This command removes the date picker from the specified input or container, useful when a date picker is no longer needed or when switching input fields dynamically.
The neoDatePicker plugin is ideal for applications that require structured date input, making it particularly suitable for scheduling, reservation systems, and form-based applications.
Purpose: |
Adds a Date Picker to an existing Text Input object. Options for date format: d- date number dd- date with leading zero D- short day name DD- full day name m- month number mm- month number with leading zero M- short month name MM- full month name yy- two digit year number yyyy- four digit year number d Padded numeric day (01-31) j Non-Padded Numeric day (1-31) D Short day-of-week (Sun) l Long day-of-week (Sunday) |
Category: |
neoDatePicker |
Syntax: |
neoDatePicker "inputId" ""format" lang autoclose "varname"
inputId Select a Text Input or Container Object "format Date format ie: ""dd-mm-yyyy"" (see below for more options)" lang Language autoclose Auto close? varname Variable name to store user date selection |
Purpose: |
Adds a Date Picker to an existing Text Input object. Options for date format: d- date number dd- date with leading zero D- short day name DD- full day name m- month number mm- month number with leading zero M- short month name MM- full month name yy- two digit year number yyyy- four digit year number d Padded numeric day (01-31) j Non-Padded Numeric day (1-31) D Short day-of-week (Sun) l Long day-of-week (Sunday) |
Category: |
neoDatePicker |
Syntax: |
neoDatePickerPlus "inputId" ""format" ""startdate" lang range view minview "position autoclose varname
inputId Text Input (select one from your App) "format Date format ie: ""dd-mm-yyyy"" (see below for more options)" "startdate Start date (optional) use ""yyyy-mm-dd"" format" lang Language range Select range? view Start view minview Minimum view "position Position (when in Input Text object)" autoclose Auto close? varname Variable name to store user date selection |
Category: |
neoDatePicker |
Syntax: |
neoDatePickerDestroy "inputId"
inputId Text Input (select one from your App) |
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