OpenAI GPT plugin from OpenAI to enable conversational interfaces and chatbots that can understand and respond to user inputs.
OpenAI API Key required
More info
Purpose: |
Set OpenAI API Key (Use with caution) |
Category: |
neoGpt |
Syntax: |
neoGptSetApiKey "apiKey"
apiKey API Key |
Purpose: |
Set GPT model version |
Category: |
neoGpt |
Syntax: |
neoGptSetModel "modelName
"modelName GPT model name" |
Purpose: |
Set the level of randomness or "creativity" in the generated text. |
Category: |
neoGpt |
Syntax: |
neoGptSetCreativity creativityValue
creativityValue Creativity level |
Purpose: |
Generate a text answer to a user prompt |
Category: |
neoGpt |
Syntax: |
neoGptText "promptText" returnVar callback
promptText Prompt text returnVar Variable to store text answer callback Callback subroutine (optional) |
Purpose: |
Generate a text answer to a user prompt and retains conversation. |
Category: |
neoGpt |
Syntax: |
neoGptChat "promptText" returnVar arrayVar callback
promptText Prompt text returnVar Variable to store text answer arrayVar Array variable to store conversation callback Callback subroutine (optional) |
Purpose: |
Generate an Image from a user description |
Category: |
neoGpt |
Syntax: |
neoGptImage "descriptionText" imageSize returnVar "returnFormat callbacksubroutine
descriptionText Description text imageSize Image size returnVar Variable to store result "returnFormat Return format" callbacksubroutine Callback subroutine (optional) |
Purpose: |
Create a new assistant with specific instructions, name, and model |
Category: |
neoGpt |
Syntax: |
neoGptCreateAssistant "instructions" "assistantName" "model callback
instructions Instructions for the assistant assistantName Name of the assistant "model GPT model name" callback Callback subroutine (optional) |
Purpose: |
Create a new conversation thread with OpenAI API Assistant |
Category: |
neoGpt |
Syntax: |
neoGptCreateThread returnVar callback
returnVar Variable to store the thread ID callback Callback subroutine (optional) |
Purpose: |
Add a message to an existing conversation thread |
Category: |
neoGpt |
Syntax: |
neoGptAddMessageToThread "threadId" "messageContent" returnVar callback
threadId ID of the thread messageContent Content of the user's message returnVar Variable to store the response message ID callback Callback subroutine (optional) |
Purpose: |
Run a specific thread with given instructions and assistant ID |
Category: |
neoGpt |
Syntax: |
neoGptRunThread "threadId" "assistantId" "instructions" returnVar callback
threadId ID of the thread to be run assistantId ID of the assistant instructions Instructions for the run returnVar Variable to store the run ID callback Callback subroutine (optional) |
Purpose: |
Check the status of a specific run in a thread to check if it has moved to completed. |
Category: |
neoGpt |
Syntax: |
neoGptCheckRunStatus "threadId" "runId" returnVar callback
threadId ID of the thread runId ID of the run returnVar Variable to store the run status callback Callback subroutine (optional) |
Purpose: |
Retrieve messages from a specific thread |
Category: |
neoGpt |
Syntax: |
neoGptGetThreadMessages "threadId" returnVar callback
threadId ID of the thread returnVar Variable to store the retrieved messages callback Callback subroutine (optional) |
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