Plugin for creating pretty, dynamic quizzes.
Based on:
Sample App:
The neoQuiz plugin for VisualNEO Web enables the creation of interactive, visually appealing quizzes within applications. Based on the SlickQuiz library, this plugin allows customization of quiz content, scoring, and feedback, making it ideal for educational apps, surveys, and engagement tools. Here’s a breakdown of its main features and practical applications:
Creating a New Quiz
The neoQuizNewQuiz command initiates a new quiz with customizable options for quiz structure, including title, description, and results levels.
- Command: neoQuizNewQuiz
- Syntax: neoQuizNewQuiz json "nameText" "descriptionText" "resultsText" "level1" "level2" "level3" "level4" "level5"
- json: JSON object variable to store quiz data.
- nameText: Title of the quiz.
- descriptionText: Brief description of the quiz.
- resultsText: Text displayed after the quiz.
- level1–level5: Scoring levels or ranks for quiz completion.
neoQuizNewQuiz "quizData" "General Knowledge" "Test your knowledge!" "Well done!" "Novice" "Intermediate" "Advanced" "Expert" "Master"
This command initializes a quiz titled "General Knowledge" with feedback based on score levels.
Setting Quiz Options
The plugin supports configuration for question sorting, answer shuffling, and response messaging with the neoQuizSetOptions command.
- Command: neoQuizSetOptions
- Syntax: neoQuizSetOptions skipStartButton numberOfQuestions randomSortQuestions randomSortAnswers preventUnanswered perQuestionResponseMessaging completionResponseMessaging scoreAsPercentage
- Options:
- skipStartButton: Start the quiz immediately.
- numberOfQuestions: Limit the number of questions (0 = all).
- randomSortQuestions and randomSortAnswers: Shuffle questions or answers.
- preventUnanswered: Enforce answering each question.
- scoreAsPercentage: Display score as a percentage.
Starting the Quiz
The neoQuizStart command launches the quiz in a designated container.
- Command: neoQuizStart
- Syntax: neoQuizStart "objId" [jsonData]
- objId: The container where the quiz displays.
- jsonData: JSON data containing quiz questions and settings.
neoQuizStart "quizContainer" "[quizData]"
This command displays the quiz in quizContainer, pulling questions from quizData.
Event Handling for Quiz Interactions
The plugin supports custom events with neoQuizSetEvents to trigger actions on quiz start, completion, and more.
- Command: neoQuizSetEvents
- Syntax: neoQuizSetEvents onstart oncomplete onreset oncheckanswer onnextquestion onbackquestion
- Events:
- onstart: Triggered when the quiz starts.
- oncomplete: Triggered upon completion.
- oncheckanswer: After each answer check.
Practical Applications
The neoQuiz plugin is suitable for:
- Educational Apps: Testing knowledge on various topics.
- Customer Engagement: Quizzes for engagement and data collection.
- Self-Assessment Tools: Providing users with feedback based on scores.
With flexible settings for customizing quiz content and feedback, the neoQuiz plugin provides a robust tool for interactive assessments in VisualNEO Web applications
Purpose: |
Create a new Quiz JSON Object. Alternatively you can create it directlly using JavaScript. |
Category: |
neoQuiz |
Syntax: |
neoQuizNewQuiz json "nameText" "descriptionText" "resultsText" "level1" "level2" "level3" "level4" "level5"
json JSON object variable name (will be created if not exists) nameText Quiz name text descriptionText Description text resultsText Results text (shown when fishished) level1 Ranking level 1 text level2 Ranking level 2 text level3 Ranking level 3 text level4 Ranking level 4 text level5 Ranking level 5 text |
Purpose: |
Add a new question to a Quiz JSON Object. Alternatively you can create it directlly using JavaScript. |
Category: |
neoQuiz |
Syntax: |
neoQuizAddQuestion json "question" "correctText" "incorrectText" "answer1" answer1type "answer2" answer2type "answer3" answer3type "answer4" answer4type
json JSON object variable name question Question text (HTML allowed) correctText Text to display if the answer is correct incorrectText Text to display if the answer is incorrect answer1 Answer1 text (HTML allowed) answer1type Answer1 is a correct answer? answer2 Answer2 text (HTML allowed) answer2type Answer2 is a correct answer? answer3 Answer3 text (HTML allowed) answer3type Answer3 is a correct answer? answer4 Answer4 text (HTML allowed) answer4type Answer4 is a correct answer? |
Purpose: |
Set default text strings for quizzes. Left any of them empty for default content. |
Category: |
neoQuiz |
Syntax: |
neoQuizSetText "getStartedText" "checkAnswerText" "nextQuestionText" "backButtonText" ""completeQuizText" "tryAgainText" "preventUnansweredText" "questionCountText" "questionTemplateText" "scoreTemplateText" "nameTemplateText" "youScoredText" "rankingText"
getStartedText Text for get started button. Default: 'Get Started!' checkAnswerText Text for the check answer button. Default: 'Check My Answer!' nextQuestionText Text for the next question button. Default: 'Next »' backButtonText Text for the back button. Left blank (default) for no back button "completeQuizText Text for last button before getting results. Example: ""Get Your Results!""" tryAgainText Text for the try again button. If left blank - no try again button will be displayed preventUnansweredText Text to show if a user enter a blank answer. Default: 'Select at least one answer' questionCountText Question count text. Default: 'Question %current of %total' questionTemplateText Question template text. Default: '%count. %text' scoreTemplateText Score template text. Default: '%score / %total' nameTemplateText Name template text. Default: 'Quiz: %name' youScoredText You scored text. Default: 'You scored:' rankingText Ranking text. Default: 'Ranking:' |
Purpose: |
Set quiz options |
Category: |
neoQuiz |
Syntax: |
neoQuizSetOptions skipStartButton numberOfQuestions randomSortQuestions randomSortAnswers preventUnanswered perQuestionResponseMessaging completionResponseMessaging scoreAsPercentage
skipStartButton Skip start button numberOfQuestions Number of questions to load from the question set (0 = all) randomSortQuestions Sort questions randomly randomSortAnswers Sort answers randomly preventUnanswered Prevent submitting a question with no answer perQuestionResponseMessaging Show correct / incorrect response messages after each answer completionResponseMessaging Display all questions results when the quiz is completed scoreAsPercentage Display score as a percentage rather than the correct responses number |
Category: |
neoQuiz |
Syntax: |
neoQuizSetEvents onstart oncomplete onreset oncheckanswer onnextquestion onbackquestion
onstart On start quiz oncomplete On complete quiz onreset On reset quiz oncheckanswer On check answer onnextquestion On next question onbackquestion On back question |
Purpose: |
Start the Quiz |
Category: |
neoQuiz |
Syntax: |
neoQuizStart "objId" [jsonData]
objId Container for the quiz jsonData JSON object variable name with questions data |
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